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Van Gogh in Saint-Rémy

May 8, 1889 – May 16, 1890

Vincent spent a year in an asylum in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence and painted many of his most famous works there.

On 8 May 1889, after months of hospital treatment in Arles, Vincent allowed himself to be committed to the Saint-Paul de Mausole psychiatric institution in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence. He was treated by Dr Théophile Peyron. In between attacks, Vincent made numerous paintings and drawings, first in the asylum and its gardens and later beyond, among the olive gardens and cypresses, in the Alpilles mountains and in the village. Saint-Rémy served as the setting for many of his most famous works. After a little more than a year, on 16 May 1890, he left for Auvers-sur-Oise, wishing to return to the north and tired of being in the asylum. Dr Peyron had also pronounced him cured.

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Category: Things to do